Ever since I was a little girl, I have wanted to see the world. When I was a child, I mostly visited exotic places in books, but in the past several years, my family has really made travel a priority in our lives. You learn so much about yourself as you learn about the world. The biggest lesson I have learned is that no matter how different we think we are from one another, wherever you’re from, we have so much more in common than we think. Travel makes the world seem a smaller, warmer place. I truly believe the saying “Travel far enough, you meet yourself.”

I have traveled all over the United States, been to three of the Disney Parks around the world, cruised multiple times, and have explored Western Europe, including London, Paris, Brussels, Amsterdam, and Barcelona to name a few. Exploring a new culture is always a thrill and we love to really dive into a new place and see what it’s like to really live in that space.

Planning for a vacation to a new spot is always exciting, but can be overwhelming. There are so many different styles of travel, from all-inclusive to hiking and backpacking through some of the wildest places on this planet. Finding out what kind of traveler you are is the first step in planning an amazing experience. I can make that happen for you! I personally handcraft your vacation specifically for you and the style of travel you enjoy, whatever your budget may be.

So, are you ready? Where in the world do you want to go?

Ready to get started on your vacation planning?